Expert legal help with intervention orders

Contact Woods & Co Lawyers in Adelaide

We are a specialist Criminal Law firm with decades of experience and a great reputation.

The laws relating to intervention orders have changed in recent times. Orders originally had to be made by the Magistrates Court. Now police have been given significant powers. It remains to be seen whether they will exercise that power appropriately. An intervention order can now be taken out by the police irrespective of whether the alleged victim requires one.

However, you are entitled to a court hearing. Once confirmed, they are in place for life or until revoked. The ability to have an order revoked is now far more difficult than it was. We recommend you seek the assistance of an experienced criminal law firm such as Woods & Co Lawyers to assist you. It may seem easier to simply allow the order to stay in place but experience tells us that many people can later regret that decision.

This is particularly pertinent in the current climate where the order lasts for life. Importantly, as part of the order the court can force you to leave your own home and not return. To top it off you still have to pay the rent despite the fact you are not living there. Yes, the powers are now significant.

Intervention Orders are covered in South Australia by the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009. Please call our experienced team to assist you. Most Intervention orders are now recognised nationally.

Do You Need Legal Help With Intervention Orders In Adelaide?

The making of the order is considered more akin to civil proceedings and hence the applicant does not need to establish their claims beyond reasonable doubt. There are of course many genuine applicants who need the protection of a court order, but in our view, these orders are handed out far too easily.

Some parties who are going through separation or a relationship breakdown use the order as a ‘sword instead of a shield’. The consequences for the person who is the subject of the order is often great and the powers of the court are wide and varied.

If you wish to challenge the order, then you have the added difficulty that even if you are successful you cannot generally recover any of your costs. Some people worry that an admission or acceptance of the order may affect them in Family Court proceedings, particularly where children are involved.

Criminal Lawyers Adelaide
intervention orders Adelaide

It is also important to bear in mind that while the order itself is not equivalent to a criminal record, any breaches of the order are. As we often say, if an applicant is prepared to lie in making the application then they may do the same in alleging a breach of the order.

We at Woods & Co Lawyers can assist you through the process and advise you whether you may be successful in challenging the order. If not, there are many things that we can do to limit the ‘damage’ resulting from an order of this kind.

What If You Breach An Intervention Order In Adelaide / South Australia?

You should obtain legal advice if you are charged in Adelaide or South Australia with breaching the conditions of an intervention order.

A breach can sometimes result in you losing the normal presumption of bail and having to establish special circumstances. This can result in you being remanded in custody and often the period of the remand can exceed the penalty you might receive. Imprisonment is not uncommon for breaching an Intervention order.

Book an appointment with one of our intervention lawyers!

If you would like to learn more about our services please give us a call at 8311 3111.

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If you have an intervention order matter or are charged with a breach.