Drivers Licence appeals in South Australia.
Decades of expertise in Traffic Law
Use our highly regarded team at Woods & Co Lawyers
If you accrue demerit points which breach your drivers licence conditions then you may lose your licence. The consequences can be significant if you rely upon your licence for work or other essential activities.
At Woods & Co Lawyers, our team is experienced in dealing with demerit points and licence appeals. Few firms truly specialise in this area which can be complex. We are widely regarded as leaders in our field. Contact our friendly team today.
How do I appeal a drivers licence disqualification?
Some offences such as drink driving and dangerous driving carry a minimum loss of licence. That cannot be avoided unless you are found not guilty or there is evidence your offence was a first offence and was trifling. There are lots of other offences that carry a mandatory loss of licence. In fact, the court can disqualify you from holding or obtaining a licence for many Traffic offences. There are many ways we as Traffic Law specialists can help you in this regard.

In addition, most traffic offences carry with them demerit points. If the offence is trifling, or there is other proper cause (relating to the offence) then sometimes those points can be reduced. This can only be done presently in a court setting and requires an election to be prosecuted to be sent back in time. If you proceed in this manner, then there is a court record (as opposed to a traffic infringement record) and you are usually out of pocket. However, we are often successful in reducing demerit points that can assist you greatly.
If you accrue more than the applicable demerit points stipulated for your class of driver’s licence then an appeal may be available if you have not had one in the last 5 years and hold a probationary or provisional licence. If you are a full licence holder and elected for the bond, then you are subject to double the disqualification if the breaching offence is proven and if the demerit points cannot be reduced.
If you would like to appeal a drivers licence disqualification contact our team on 8311 3111